Mental Health
"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced."
- Soren Kierkegaard
Social Media
(coming soon)


Sometimes all you need is a push...

An Introduction
My goal is to provide better, more relatable services to men than what is typically offered in the mental health field. Men make up half of the population, so they should have services that are catered to their needs. Men don't need to change the way they are to fit the dominant theories in therapy...psychology needs to change for them. Are you looking for a safe and secure environment to deal with what you have going on? Are you seeking a better path for you and the ones you love by proxy? Are you searching for meaning amongst the chaos, and purpose in an ever evolving world? Then you might be in the right place. Men are important...it's time the world starts to recognize this again.

Currently offering individual counseling sessions, as well as couple or group therapy. Every new client needs to have an initial assessment session where we can go over confidentiality, consent agreements, modality of therapy, schedule going forwards, and begin to create a treatment plan that will set the foundation for individualized services.
You are the 'captain of the ship' in counseling, and your personal goals matter. If you already have goals in mind, that is ideal...but if not I can help you to flesh them out and refine them to make them more attainable. As time progresses we will check in on these goals to see where you are out with them and if they need to be checked off, restructured, or changed altogether.
I look forward to helping along your journey.
"The pendulum of the mind alternates between sense and nonsense, not between right and wrong."
- Carl Jung
General questions or interested in a group?
Let me know!